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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. see. those numbers given that we had an apartheid regime right here.
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i think iraq is even funny well. whatever government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you give them their freedom. for. fear of.
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all right it's time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to congresswoman michele bachmann since she kicked off her presidential campaign last month in iowa a far right wing candidate who is trying to dial back her wingnut ideas but you knew that it wouldn't take too long with doors that were that crazy did come back and michelle michelle is the first two thousand and twelve presidential candidate to sign the marriage vows a declaration of dependence upon a marriage and family and then i was sponsored by the family leader and i would base conservative organization so as you can imagine this group is all about protecting the family and marriage here in the u.s. and i mean marriage as in between a man and woman only so they came up with a very detailed declaration for these candidates to uphold the first thing that you must agree to is personal fidelity to your spouse but i mean how might you just do
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that because it's the right thing to do there are also several issues when it comes to protecting the institute of marriage these are a fusion of marriage you must always be against same sex marriage but almost every single republican running for the nomination in two thousand and twelve is against marriage equality they've already said it and michele bachmann is no different as listen to her speak about gay marriage at last month's c.n.n. debate in new hampshire. i do support a constitutional amendment on marriage between a man or woman but i would not be going into the states to overturn their state law revision but you see there's something in this valley the we're pretty sure it's going to cause michelle some votes let me draw your attention to the nine item on this list it reads quote humane protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy our next generation of american children from human trafficking sexual slavery seduction into promiscuity and all forms of pornography and
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prostitution and found inside abortion and other types of coercion or stolen innocence now i think we can all agree nobody out there is for the sexual abuse or slavery or forced anything right we disbursing offer to leverage but she's for the total banning of porn all forms of us i am sorry michel but how are you ever going to win the male vote by trying to take away their porn i'm not sure michelle is aware but coren is big business report released in two thousand and ten on porn found that every second more than three thousand dollars is spent on pornography worldwide every site that more than twenty eight thousand internet users are viewing pornography worldwide and here in the u.s. every year nearly two hundred forty five million pages are viewed and every thirty nine minutes here in america a new pornographic video is being created now you may recall r t that an in-depth report on the porn industry several months ago who is a thirteen billion dollars a year business just here in america worldwide there's four point two million of
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who are in web sites and by the way that is twelve percent of all web sites out there i michele bachmann really want to stop all porn would not be bad for the economy would not be interfering with someone's personal choices and freedoms you know michelle you're a tea party darling what about that whole don't tread on me monica now this valley whatever shell that you just signed is her attempt to pander to the christian right but it is not going to win her any votes. just about anyone else and so for trying to ban porn which is an easily kiss goodbye to the white house if you ask me the show bachmann is tonight's all time winner. and now today the atlanta just took off for the last time they headed towards the international space station it's the last in line and the official end of the u.s. shuttle program it's the end of an era but many are also asking if it could be the end of space exploration for the u.s. who is now going to dependent on the russian soyuz rocket to transport its astronauts or is this just the beginning perhaps a new era of private enterprise to take us to that final frontier joining me to
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discuss this is andrew chaikin science journalist and space historian he's author of a man on the moon and a passion for mars as well as other space exploration books andrew nice to have you back on the show again beyond if you know be honest with me are you are you crying are you shedding a few tears today as you watch the eleventh take off. no i'm being honest i am actually feeling more energized and excited about the future of space exploration than i have in a long time and the reason i feel that way is because the commercial companies that are developing the next generation of rockets and spacecraft actually have the potential to do something that the shuttle never did to which is to lower the cost of getting into orbit around the earth and that is the gateway because it's kind of like i told bridge to new york city you want to go into new york and have
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a great time in new york city but it's so expensive to get over the top ridge that you can't even think about it and that's the situation we've been in for fifty years the cost of entry to space that that realm just a couple of hundred miles up has been you know ten thousand dollars a pound or thereabouts ever since space age began and what is needed is the kind of ingenuity and the willingness to do things differently and the ability to do things differently that i think hammering out some. did you catch what i was asked. to towards the end of her answer there but let me just ask you mean what's to stop private business private enterprise promenading as a real money making scheme for themselves if they can mean currently are for people
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like point of well a likely surface ole founders of the world and they're paying hundreds of millions of dollars or at least that's what some of these new friends are going to be the ones that can sling shot you. around on the hill you're bringing in something that's sort of old school which is really wealthy tourists that get to go up on a russian soyuz and paste scarce money are talking about a whole new space age in which these companies made the make it possible to to launch astronauts necessarily cerberus yet but astronauts for a fraction of the cost of the shuttle and thereby make it possible do all kinds of things in space. and yes it can then focus on what it does really well which is pushing the state of the order to give us a technology to go beyond low earth orbit and head out into deep space and that's the transformation that i'm really excited about they be on the verge of happening thanks to companies like space x.
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and jeff bezos his company blue origin he's the c.e.o. of amazon these guys are passionate they're smart they've got lots of money and they have assembled very very competent exciting teams and they're just you know there are several companies that are trying to do this and meantime of course there are a lot of people in florida thousands of workers in fact that if they're the right has returned are going to be laid off and are going to be looking for work and if they're going to be enough work out there when it comes to some of these private companies that that's the pain that unfortunately was set in motion by george w. bush seven and a half years ago when he decided to end the shuttle program. actually the plan was to end it last year. turns out it's ending nam and you know they're going to be a lot of people that that are out of work and that's unfortunate and i'm sorry for that situation but unfortunately this is
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a process that nasa has deferred for just about forty years thirty or forty years which is the process of making space sustainable the shuttle was never going to be sustainable that's why it got canceled now the fact that there's a gap. you know that was set in motion as i say seven and a half years ago the time to debate that cancellation was then not now but i'm hopeful that some of these companies like space x. which has already tested the capsule for taking people to and from the space station although in an unmanned version they are still working on manned rating it that they will in fact have these things up and running in the next couple years or maybe three years it also depends on how quickly nasa can work through the regulatory issues but you know a little bit of pain now could lead to a truly bright era in space exploration just a few years from now why and it is time very quickly one of these things because i
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think that a lot of americans say they're not going so happy with a little bit of pain now because it's a lot of pain if you look at like i thought the the jobs numbers that came out today the general state of the economy but has now the plan of under sold itself a lot of people say ok fine it went to the back at it but probably not some of those countries that maybe pinger that we knew that everything will day but we had no idea came about because of space i thought because of nafta well for starters i'm talking to you now and sky. and the information technology that we take for granted today whether it's your computer or your cell phone or the scanner or your supermarket or the you know the intelligence in whatever electronic device you pick up. a lot of the technology was jump started by the space program thirty forty fifty years ago and we're still reaping the benefits of that what i think is the thing to worry about is no necessarily that we're going through some pain with
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a few thousand jobs for the space program right now but that we have been going through a decline in the number of ph d.'s and the number of science candidates and engineering candidates in this country and other countries are eating our lunch in that arena and he needs like these commercial space endeavors in that the exploration that nasa will hopefully still be doing to get us back competitive with the rest of the world in science and technology not that i were actually starting to bring in though the engineers and some of these coffee people from the like under the have to wrap it up because of course now as time and hear about thank you so much for joining us today and the inspiration factor thank you. now and shuttle atlantis returns to earth like twentieth and i mean thousands of sort of workers are going to be out of the shop when shuttle program closing down american astronauts will have to hitch a ride in a space where the russians are teens by and it gives us
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a more personal look at weather and air and u.s. space history going to mean for some americans and. empty shells that's what was once florida's thriving space coast. up to ten thousand people will be out of a job as soon as the last shuttle makes its final voyage back to earth home to many of the kennedy space center workers rochlitz is on the verge of becoming a ghost town without the space program or pretty much nothing i mean this is what you know your beach is built on the space program you know it's a lot of you are going to be out of jobs are in reality you're going on welfare left and right food stamps and sony chris a fully spent twenty three years with the shuttle launch team as an engineer with a plan to splicing our for its final mission it means the end of his career with nasa and the beginning of uncertainty a year ago he started looking for a new job to no avail i have applied for jobs and so far haven't gotten any
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concrete responses there's not that many jobs out there for sure the u.s. scrapped its shuttle program and now wants the private sector to come up with ways to get astronauts to space several companies are working on new vehicles but it's not clear when they'll be able to deliver them one thing is certain though bill be able to hire only a fraction of the skilled space industry workers will be out of work this is the first shuttle ever it never made it to space but it was used put press before the columbia shuttle first launch into space in nineteen eighty one a total of five shuttles have been used for space missions says that two of them were lost in tragic accidents a nine hundred eighty six and in two thousand and three those lawsuits and the style rocketing price for each launch gradually latched to the cancellation of the program but critics say it's hard to estimate the losses at the end of the shuttle program will bring about both for the space industry and the people involved i
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think it's a really bad i think that the united states to reduce. skilled workforce it's going to be difficult to rebuild for years the shuttle has been the only be called that could ferry crew and a massive load of cargo to space officials say one of the reasons the program was scrapped is that it's safer and cheaper to send cargo when people separately something that russia for example has been doing for many years but whatever the reasons for scrapping the thirty year old program for those who devoted their lives to it is the end of their dream job kind of sad because i've already seen a lot of my friends go and nobody's there being more people that i probably never see again it also means the end of a once vibrant scientific community that's grown up around the shuttle going to check out our teeth. coming up just ahead we have fireside friday and then join us for a dose of happy hour that's right trailer for sarah palin's new movie is out an application
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anthony party there's now a new rush past a lot by all that. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else here's some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big. world you're really good and yet though. five. ft. five.
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let's not forget that we. were. i think. one well. we never got the. safe to. freedom.
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to tonight's fireside with your host of cops. yesterday we told you about the case of humberto leon garcia a mexican citizen who was convicted of raping and killing a sixteen year old girl and he was put on death row yesterday after our show he was executed and he was executed despite the fact that according to the vienna convention he had the right to seek assistance from the mexican consulate when he was arrested that's something that texas never by the by in fact they never even told that they have that right he was actually here just spiked the pot to the president of the united states himself asked texas governor rick perry to rethink this execution as a matter of international. relations and diplomacy because it's not about whether this man committed a heinous crime or not it's not like the mexican government would have let him walk free and you see all parties involved here recognize his guilt but it's
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a matter of holding ourselves up to the same standards that we expect of others and he was also executed because when the president asked the u.s. supreme court to step in and place the stay they ruled that they could not and the possible damage from this move is something that could endanger all americans he would imagine what our government's response would be if other countries were to execute an american citizen without ever letting them contact their consulate and seek legal assistance it would be a diplomatic crisis americans that would be in an uproar thanks to rick perry who would also be hypocrites thanks to a governor who wanted to look tough on crime for his own personal gain and we now have on our records something that north korea i don't rant do not and now we've decided to take an international treaty and just spit on it and what's to stop them from doing it to you you know it's not like this is an isolated incident the only time that this country or lawmakers within it have flagrantly violated
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international laws or ignored them but each time it happens it stains our record more each time that happens is another drop in the bucket of our hypocrisy that's become far too deep and this wasn't an accident it wasn't a necessity this was a choice so praying isn't going to cleanse rick perry of what he's done. ok it's the right time grab the hour and joining me this evening as our key correspondent lauren lyster and alex sites all reporter a blogger for think progress dot org thanks for joining me guys are having are you again. ok the pail and movie trailer is out in the moment that everyone's been waiting for so take a look. blue the whistle. she took on because she knew we needed to be done i was
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actually working against sarah palin i didn't feel she was strong enough. courage to try and she's not afraid to your old war salute. and then she quit and you know you tell me that she's not running for example nothing looks like a p.s.a. with the people standing just with the way. all of her achievements and every debuted in iowa with her they're very quaint event i'm sure or you know i take it you know i'm just going to watch the trailer over and over because the most dramatic part that we didn't get to see there is the beginning which is the most dramatic music i've ever heard with all of her accolades mother why and just like the most dramatic music ever this is how can you name a movie about somebody who lost that she doesn't election the undefeated i mean rough she was defeated i mean there's lurkers she's like if it was also in the end
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there's a lengthy scene where they earn money and flush it down the toilet and tear it up which is actually illegal i always heard that but i looked it up today and it's true there is it was a rate. on camera rode the thing about sarah palin is nothing she does make sense so i guess making a movie called the undefeated about somebody the last and their world makes that's now let's move on to our next story of course this is one of those scandals that the whole world has been watching and there's been a lot of critique around this perp walk that's now become so famous take a look. i am their boss dominic strauss kahn has a really cool to new york to face charges including attempted rape hours earlier the man who was widely tipped to be france's next president was seen in public for the first time since his arrest on saturday and constantly looking drained strauss kahn is set to plead not guilty to claims he sexually attacked and done lawfully imprisoned hotel maid some. had to deal with the perp walk with being paraded
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around in front of everybody and now of course the entire case is falling apart now it turns out that the accuser may have been you know this whole thing was a scam it was all for money but one thing that the u.s. media hasn't done compared to the european money the media excuse me is that they haven't mentioned her name out of respect for her do you think that's the right thing to do i agree with that i just you know i don't care whether the case against her or against him falls apart as a result of her credibility i think that protecting the possible victims of sexual assault and rape is something really important that most of the new ones because if the case does fall apart let's say she was not a victim that is going to be fair game for everyone to try and dig up every person that she was ever related to or lived next to you and try to get dirt on her i think that's a good question i think it's tricky because just because the case falls apart doesn't mean she wasn't a great victim on my part for other reasons which is what people have hinted to in this case her attorney in the case you know he was probably generally a good idea to do i mean it is an awkward situation because with the internet you
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can google it from literally hundreds of websites like it was and then you're. everybody is already printing the name so it's kind of interesting that there is this you know ethnic. on the bridge that doesn't make it ok for you to go i agree she needed to go to day i will say it is amazing that we all went from immediately terrible awful guy and now it's like. to go you know and now it's a separate issue and i think that that is an issue but i do think it. separate from release and it does name ok ok i agree with the press in this case but i always find it kind of odd when they choose to abide by certain ethics in the financials are just don't really know or they wouldn't be hypocrites here's another one these are kind of downers so. for you here's another in a very funny non stop of this casey anthony trial but i can't believe how much coverage there has been because there's been so much coverage because people like nancy grace would never want to do this crazy frenzy now there's some legislation
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that might be pending because of it or at least there's a petition to take a look. public emotions still running extremely high following her acquittal on murder charges handful of states are now considering new legislation called caylee's law so this creates a felony charges actually if they turn their caretaker does not disclose to law enforcement a missing or deceased child. are i'm sorry i will tell you why i think is the bad idea not because i don't think that it's good to try to protect children but anybody out there is actually planning on doing something bad to their kid actually planning on killing them the threat of a felony for not reporting it right away is not going to scare them off it's not going to change their mind meanwhile you have somebody else they get somehow caught in like the bureaucracy of all this if somebody reports they were missing and they were really missing and they have a felony slapped on them yeah i mean aside from the law i just don't want to hear about casey anthony's case anymore so if they're going to pass these laws fine path
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and get it done which unfortunately in our country doesn't happen very quickly but i hope that it will because i just want this case out of the media and you know i don't know if you're going to kind of felonies but maybe don't mean that if it means that casey had to be will be out of the news fine is a little draconian and i just can't help but think that nancy grace is somehow behind all of us here she started whispering in the years yeah i mean she's going to personally lobby every state legislature to get this thing i mean and i'm terrified of her whatever she wants her bravery to fight on as she said a huge boost because they. saw their best ratings ever get out of them although she was going to have one or two thought let's move on to something else that is really annoying and that everybody wishes would go away which is planking. new images for you if you haven't heard of finding out it's are people to play around with their heads ok that had to be photoshop but he would not like it so it's been going on for a while but now exhibit came out today and he tweeted that plane king is basically races you said planking was
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a way to transport slaves on ships during the slave trade it's not funny educate yourselves don't get it twisted i care. that's where your dumb asses lay face down and take pictures of it i'm just telling you where it came from but i don't think that's actually what it's about because i think that people have been doing in england like it's just been kind of a joke yeah i mean a doctor said if that gets planking to go away then go for it and i completely agree with that i think this is ridiculous people died sorry planking is not worth dying for you people fell off a balcony or something like that but now that you know lying down on the ground i don't really see how that comes from one particular place or any other if it was you know this this newest plucking trend is started by a radio host trying to promote something so i mean i'm sure you've been doing it i know it's really a. little are being stupid about it by doing it on the balcony in the night and i got our brains out thinking also why did position so you know choose your own adventure with really and i have to wrap it up because the thanks for joining me thanks for tuning in and make sure you guys come back on monday we have
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a whole new week for you with another person happy hour in the meantime don't think it's the fan of the lower show on facebook or follow us on twitter if there's anything that you miss you can always catch elocute dot com slash below nischelle and coming up next is adam but. a charmer over here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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